I spent a portion of this afternoon going through the V690 bug log and categorized/fixed what I could in the time that I had. There have been some cool suggestions made (sharable chocolate boxes), some observations which aren't technically bugs but require addressing (Deadly Hornets not making any sounds upon a hit – they do make sounds, but they're poorly chosen sounds), and the ever-present "it's raining indoors here" weather-related reports.
It was my understanding that another GM was going to handle the "interior precipitation" problems, but evidently the other GM could use some assistance in resolving this matter. I believe that I shall help.
While closing bugs this afternoon, an old children's television theme song ran through my head:
The Bugaloos
The Bugaloos
It isn't fair
They're everywhere...
I made myself laugh.
A Surprise Bad Day in the Forest
1 day ago
thanks for your continued contribution to our lil world yappy! 8D by the way, where are those horn sounds you thought about implementing? the horn population has been growing recently!
ReplyDeleteDoh. Still on the list.
Rather than new sounds for the horn, just make it fail 100% of the time !
ReplyDeleteYou are a bad person Gremlins!