23 October 2011

Laser Tag

I went to a birthday party on Saturday.  The party was basically "dine out at a local Mexican restaurant, drink some sangria and margaritas, and then play a round of indoor laser tag at a nearby gaming facility."

I had never played laser tag, but I have played nearly 2k hours of Team Fortress 2 – and that's almost like playing laser tag, right?  I figured that I would be an instant expert at this game and that I would dominate the playing field.

PRO TIP: One's mediocre computer gaming skills does not translate well into real world settings.  I had enough team-versus-team online gaming experience to check around corners and to watch my back when moving around the map, but boy-howdy I had zero gaming experience on dealing with swarming, screeching children.  The kids' tactic was a basic wolf-pack "surround and pound the adults!" and as one of our base's few adult defenders, I got seriously pwn3d.

I had a blast (pardon the pun), and look forward to playing again soon.  Although their RED team crushed my BLU team, I can boast that I had the high score for my team.  That's right: I was able to out-gun the children on my team.  Maybe my mediocre computer gaming skills accounted for something!


  1. Are you telling me that the hours I've spent hunting spiders will not help me with real life encounters of deadly spiders ? Damn ! I want a refund ! ;)
    Looks like you had a lot of fun, time to go back to your scripts now :)

  2. I wish adults could allow themselves to play some games that kids play.
