One of my helpers recently contacted me to resume a project on which he had been working. He wished to confirm that he still had ownership to the group of areas that I had assigned to him earlier in the year. I told him plainly that those areas belonged to him, and I felt that there was no need to discuss nor investigate the matter any further.
Earlier today I received a submission from that helper. Whilst importing the areas into my editor, I immediately recognized one of the area assignment numbers: I recognized this number because it was one of the areas on which I had been working. Moreover, all of his submitted areas occupied the same areas that I had been using for my own project. There was a conflict: both the helper and I were using the same areas. If I were to import the helper's areas, then they would completely overwrite my areas.
I was confused. My initial thought was that the helper accidentally used my areas, but I then recalled his diligent letter of area ownership, and I felt that sinking feeling that one feels when one realizes that they are the cause of a mistake. A quick review of our email conversations from earlier in the year revealed, indeed, that the areas in question were assigned to him and that he rightfully held ownership to those areas.
This situation is my own fault. When areas are assigned to me by UpdateGM, then they are marked as "Yappy." In turn, when I assign these areas to helpers, I mark them with the helper's name. I failed to do the latter in this situation, and if I had, then I would not be in this situation.
So now I begin the process of evicting myself from the helper's areas. I await for an assignment of new areas from UpdateGM; once I receive these new areas, I may then begin the process of transferring my areas from the helper's areas. This procedure includes a thorough cleaning of my project areas, ensuring that none of my other areas accidentally lead to the helper's areas.
While I am waiting for assignment of my new areas, I think that I shall go train some Mentus. Clearly my current method of area management – "I-don't-need-to-write-it-down-because-I-can-remember-it-just-fine" – ain't working too well for me.
The Weird Physics of My Campaign Timeline
3 days ago
ya get that.