07 August 2010


My copy of Get Lamp arrived in the mail today.  As I was oot-n-aboot, I did not have the opportunity to watch it today, but I am excited about seeing it.

I find it hard to believe that I've been waiting eight months for this movie.


  1. i like most texted base games, but as most say seeing is what most of us belive in computer games.

  2. Must…resist…the urge…to grab my credit card… (with SC2 and soon Civ5 when will I find the time to watch it anyway ???)
    Looks like really interesting. Will you post a review once you managed to watch it ?

  3. My first was Adventure on my old Apple ][... yes, 48k & integer roms on mine (till i swapped them out w/the language card's). Thanks for the post.
