11 September 2010

Memory Shortage

I met with a helper today.  Our conversation went something like this:
Helper: Have you completed work on the Helper Assistant NPC?
Me: Ummm...
Helper: You had mentioned that you were developing a Helper Assistant NPC, and that NPC would be very helpful for my project.
Me: Errr...
Helper: The Helper Assistant NPC is vaporware, isn't it.
Me: Uhhh...
In truth, I had developed a Helper Assistant NPC, but my script had required redesign and simplification.  I placed it aside and promptly forgot about it.  And because this was a side-project, I never placed this script on my punch list.  Now that I have been reminded of it, I am definitely putting it on my "to do" list, and because there is a need for this script, I am placing it high on my priority list.

I can't believe that I forgot about this project.  I think that my brain needs a memory upgrade.

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