01 September 2010

Welcome to V666.

While UpdateGM commenced the process of initiating the update, I stayed out of the way by chatting in the fairgrounds for a while.  Paramedic had some insight on the gerbil wrangling process:

Details about V666 may be read here. Have fun exploring!


  1. yay now v666 has a bug stopping morphs!

    wait..thats not a good thing.

  2. I assume by now gms must have gotten a bunch of /bug messages, plus seeing the thread/s on the Sentinel. Could you post some kind of update about it as soon as you know anything?

    --Or maybe that's standard procedure, in which case, sorry if I sound naggy. :)


  3. @Eirian: The /news now reflects that we are aware of the problem and working on a solution. Thanks for the heads-up.
