22 June 2010

There Is No Bug.

There is no bug.

I was searching for a bug which was, I thought, a problem in the way that experience was distributed.  It turns out that there is no bug at all: there are a couple of safety measures within the experience distribution code that throttle how experience is doled.  Everything is cool and groovy.  There is no bug.

I have a tendency to thrash instead of swim when I am in deep, unfamiliar waters.  Clan Lord's experience system is deep and complicated and a subject on which I never bothered to study because I had no reason to learn it.  After seeing the reported /bug cases, and "duplicating" the reported incident, I wrongly believed that there was a problem and panicked and stressed and tried to fix something that wasn't broken at all.  The lesson that I've learned from this experience was that should I ever again plunge into scripting waters that are deep and over my head, I will need to behave a little more like Michael Phelps and a lot less like Chicken Little.

Thanks to ServerGM for clarifying that there is no bug.

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