15 January 2010


I've spent a portion of this morning researching some techniques to support the quest script I mentioned yesterday.  I think the simplest thing to do is to get a basic version of the script up and running on a test server, and then build and expand from there. How hard can it be to spawn a greater death upon request?

On a related topic, I spoke at length with ServerGM last night (thank you!) and I asked for guidance on mechanics for yet another quest.  He was able to offer some great advice and I'm excited about rigging a test area using this new mechanism.

This weekend will be busy for me: I want to mend my broken Awaria spreadsheet, finish some old areas, lay out some new areas, and finish some loose quests all by Sunday evening.  I am certainly juggling a lot of balls in the air.

I'll be away from the keyboard until tomorrow afternoon.  My mind will be elsewhere but my heart will be in Puddleby.

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