16 January 2010


I've been giving a little thought to announcing projects and features.  How much information do we reveal when a new feature is implemented in Clan Lord?

Clan Lord is a game of discovery.  It's fun – some would say thrilling – to be the first to make a significant game discovery, whether it be a new quest, a new area, a new pathfinding path or discovering a new trainer.  That's part of the pleasure of discovery: it's unexpected.

If we were to announce "there are three new quests in this update," then we take away the surprise of discovery and replace it with a checklist of expectations.  What are the quests?  Where are they located?  Am I able to do them?  What are the rewards?  And the answers to these questions may not measure up to the expectations of the player.  I feel that that unfulfilled expectations are bad, but expectations fulfilled with disappointment are worse.

I would love to see some form of a compromise on announcements.  Ideally, I would like to inform players "we have new content this update" and encourage some exploration without taking away from the pleasure of discovery.  I wish I knew how to do that without raising expectations.

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