23 July 2010

Smarten Up!

We have a lot of dumb monsters in Clan Lord.  I acknowledge that we do have some very clever ones too, but the majority of them are dumber than a brick.  I've been giving a little thought on making our dumb monsters a little smarter.

There are three basic monster combat AIs in Clan Lord:
  • Straight Attack, like bolok cougars.  These monsters hone straight in on players.
  • Circle Attack, like ferals.  These monsters disengage and try to flank players.
  • Flee, like starbucks.  These monsters avoid players, but defend themselves if they become cornered.
I had the idea of incorporating tactics into some of these AIs.  Some tactical concepts are:
  • Guardians: monsters would guard a specific area, like an exit, and chase away intruders
  • Retreat: monsters would fall back when injured and regroup at a location
  • Patient: monsters that would conserve balance and not swing out unless it thought that it could kill a player
  • Gang-up: also known as the surround-and-pound, multiple monsters would focus on one specific player
  • Flanking: a group of monsters would circle around and try to cut off the player's escape route
It would be cool if monsters could work together, like having the Guardian monsters distract the players long enough so that a group of Flanking monsters could move around into position.  This sure looks great on paper!  I hope that we will soon see smarter monsters that present tactical challenges to players rather than just dumb monsters running around in circles.


  1. That would for sure add a great deal to the game and I can only hope that some of these ideas end up on the islands of Lok Groton. If I recall properly the retreat kind of idea was used in Arindal (and was at time a bit annoying, having to run after nearly every critters to finish them is not really fun) so I guess that one is probably the "easiest" to implement.
    About the guardians, we may already have something like that. I remember some noids behaving that way during a special event (I believe they were used in DTN), so maybe not too much work to be done there either.
    Different AI is always good anyway. And I'm wondering if monsters could not actually change AI in some conditions. And definitively, seeing some sort of cooperation between monsters would be an incredible feature.
    Best of luck working on that, it sounds really like a big challenge but with a very nice reward…

  2. Patient: monsters that would conserve balance and not swing out unless it thought that it could kill a player.

    err...making it harder for any one to hit also...

    Gang-up: also known as the surround-and-pound, multiple monsters would focus on one specific player

    the current AI does this any way(not really, but it happens to work like that).

    Flanking: a group of monsters would circle around and try to cut off the player's escape route

    making resqs imposeable YAY.

    Guardians: monsters would guard a specific area, like an exit, and chase away intruders

    thats i would like to see.

    Retreat: monsters would fall back when injured and regroup at a location

    may end up pissing off afew peps but would add more RP to the game.

  3. I remember some noids behaving that way during a special event (I believe they were used in DTN)

    It was this event that gave me the idea. Sometimes good ideas spring from horsing around!

  4. making resqs imposeable YAY.

    I have no interest in making Clan Lord easier.

  5. thats survivable part of clanlord i was talking about...so no interest in balance?

  6. Balance is also making things challenging Magnic…
    To give my own point of view on your criticism:
    * Making monster harder to hit: I don't really see that as unbalanced… Adding challenge, sure. While timing swings may help with some critters already now, this is far from being overwhelming. This would add more importance to it and I think it is a good thing. Very few critters actually swing out anyway…
    * Gang-up: I can only think of some critters specifically attacking low health and maybe healers/mystics. I believe Yappy wants to extend that notion to different criteria (I might be wrong there, I'm not him…
    * Flanking: Unless there are hundreds of them, it will just require more clicking skills and better coordination between players. Challenging for sure. I don't see that making rescues impossible. There are also critters that while not doing that exactly seem to behave a bit like that
