I spent the past couple of days polishing
the new silly quest, fine tuning the scripts for the quest NPC and chasing down a small speech bug (the NPC was not properly articulating which quest components she was referencing). As I read through my script I felt something that I had never felt before: I felt
ashamed of my script. My script was just plain
bad. Although it worked well enough, it was poorly designed and the layout was just awful. I completely Frankensteined the script together, and it was
To understand my displeasure is to understand some basic scripting logic: throughout a typical NPC quest script, comparisons are made:
if a player has the quest item
then say some things
and take the quest item
and give a reward
tell the player that they do not possess the quest item
The problem with this format is that it's too (ahem) positive. The script begins by making a comparison for a true condition, and if the comparison is true, then I do some positive stuff – otherwise the comparison is false, and I do the negative stuff. This style becomes harder to read when there are multiple positive comparisons:
if the player is alive
if the player has the quest item
if the player's gender is male
then say "Attaboy!"
otherwise the player's gender is female
then say "Attagal!"
then take the quest item
give the reward
otherwise the player does not have the quest item
tell the player that they do not possess the quest item
otherwise the player is dead
look sympathetically at the player
While there's nothing wrong with the logic of this code (at least I hope so; I have not debugged it!), I find it rather difficult to read. What I should have done is to design the script to make
negative comparisons, and if the negative comparison is true, then do not make subsequent comparisons:
if the player is not alive
look sympathetically at the player
if the player does not have the quest item
tell the player that they do not possess the quest item
if the player is not a female
then say "Attaboy!"
say "Attagal!"
take the quest item
give the reward
The rewrite is easier to read in that it filters out any of the negative possibilities first; by first eliminating any "negative" conditions, then whatever conditions remains must be "positive". If the player is
not alive, then it does not matter if the player has the quest item: stop here and check no further. If the player does
not have the quest item, then the player's gender does not matter: stop here and check no further.
Who would have thought that negative thinking would have been so positive?