11 February 2010

Redaction Action

Today was spent undertaking a project that I had not planned on undertaking: I updated the image list for the Helpers.

Helpers get a "lite" version of the world editor, and it includes pretty much nothing.  It doesn't even include instructions!  Helpers may view the CL image file, but the images are unlabeled.  This is a problem in that if I were to ask a helper "please create a forest area, using only pine trees" then the helper would need to sort through images manually/visually and note which images are pine trees.  This is a massive waste of time and resources.

The full version of the editor includes tags for each image, but some of the information needs to remain private.  I spent the afternoon going through the list line by line – 4,741 lines to be precise – and redacted any information that could be considered as private or as a spoiler.

It was a good use of time, and it really needed to be done.  The last update to this list was 2005.

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